Sunday, April 11, 2010


Level 50 Trick Arrow Defender


Level 50 Shield/Energy Tanker


Level 47 Earth/Storm Controller


Level 35 Dual Blades Scrapper


Level 35 Energy Blaster

Blue Orbit

Level 28 Gravity/Force Field Controller

Johnny Avalanche

Level 46 Cold/Ice Defender

Nick Knack

Level 25 Traps/Devices Defender


Level 28 Mind Controller

Dark Guard

Level 4 Dark Defender

Perfect Impulse

Level 14 Martial Arts/Reflexes Scrapper

Ship Wreck

Level 9 Dark Brute


Level 16 Spines/Regeneration Scrapper

Day Riser

Level 36 Illusion/Empathy Controller


Level 21 Plant Control/Psychic Dominator

Dr. Moonstone

Level 19 Radiation/Dark Corruptor

Star Song

Level 27 Sonic Defender

Raven Song

Level 36 Ninja Blade/Dark Stalker

Red Strike

Level 21 Electricity Brute

La Croix

Level 9 Necromancy Mastermind


Level 4 Dark Scrapper


Level 35 Peacebringer


Level 17 Warshade


Level 4 Ice/Cold Corruptor

Gamma 8

Level 17 Radiation Defender


Level 6 Super-Strength Tanker


Level 12 Fire Blaster

End of an Era

I've been playing City of Heroes for a long time now - much longer than I ever thought I would when Andy gave me the game for X-mas or my birthday or something - I think it's been about 5 years. But over the past year I really haven't been playing very much and I've made the tough decision to close down my account.

In addition to creating the Mighty Markmen, I've also created some amazing heroes and villains to actually play the game with. Rather than losing them to cyberspace forever I thought I would share some of them here. Hope you like 'em...

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Name: Laurie L.
Codename: Arclight
Classification: Villain
Location: Vancouver BC
Group Affiliation:
1) Artemus Agents - Active
2) Mighty Markmen - Former Associate
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Stalker
Powers: A long-time graphic designer and event promoter for the superhero community in Vancouver, Laurie eventually grew tired of serving the heroes who he regarded as impossible-to-please, self-obsessed primadonas. Convinced he could give the heroes a real run for their money, he put his creative abilities to work, designed himself a light-bending power suit and became the villain known as Arclight. Arclight's suit bends light around the wearer allowing him and anything he is holding to become invisible at will. The suit bends light along the entire electromagnetic spectrum making the wearer undetectable to modalities such as radar and infrared scanning. The suit also dampens sound allowing the wearer to move in total silence. Arclight weilds a number of hand-held weapons with deadly accuracy, taking full advantage of the element of surprise. Arclight is also an accomplished acrobat and skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Arclight recently lured the former Markman Baffle over to the dark side and the two of them are now operating on the other side of the law as the Artemus Agents.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Name: Jean-Yves P.
Codename: Baffle
Classification: Villain
Location: Vancouver BC
Group Affiliation:
1) Artemus Agents - Active
2) Mighty Markmen - Former
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Defender
Powers: After years of attending lantern festivals, Jean-Yves considered himself somewhat of a connaisseur in the art of combining magic mushrooms with dark chocolate. Each year, in the hopes of finding the perfect combination, he would seek out rarer and rarer types of mushrooms and chocolate until finally he arrived at a combination that changed his life forever. The specific combination of single-origin dark chocolate from a remote Guatemalan rain forest and the rare pink-capped short-stem mushroom induced an irreversible change in his body at the cellular level. His epithelial cells acquired the ability to synthesize and secrete a hallucinogenic chemical similar to that found in magic mushrooms but considerably more powerful. The hallucinogen evaporates quickly in the air and can induce a variety of experiences in those around him ranging from euphoria and pleasant visual hallucinations to nausea, vomiting, dizziness and frank psychosis. Baffle is able to exert some control over the specific effects produced by the hallucinogen but he cannot change the effect once the hallucinogen has been synthesized. The hallucinogen concentrates in his sweat and saliva enabling him to deliver elevated doses through touching or kissing. Baffle is unable to completely stop secretion of the hallucinogen resulting in a low level of befuddlement in those around him. This is a source of constant frustration to his partner Arclight (coming soon).

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Name: Nemanja D.
Codename: Trio
Classification: Hero
Location: Ottawa ON
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation: Mighty Markmen East
Age: 26
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 225lbs
Archetype: Mixed (Defender/Tanker/Scrapper)
Origin: Science
Powers: One night after working late, Nemanja accidentally pressed a few wrong buttons in his office tower's elevator and found himself transported to a sub-basement level that he didn't even know existed. Exiting the elevator, he discovered a top-secret research facility dedicated to creating the ultimate human being. As Nemanja excitedly investigated the equipment, he accidentally activated one of the experimental systems causing a small explosion which knocked him unconscious. He awoke to find himself surrounded by armed guards. But even more surprising, he found himself split into 3 versions of himself. As he scrambled to escape he quickly realized that he could recombine into his original self or split into the 3 versions at will and that the 3 versions were not simply duplicates of himself. In fact, they were optimized versions of himself which would later be referred to as N1, N2 and N3. N1 possesses enhanced intelligence, memory and tactical skills and generally leads the other two versions. N2 possesses enhanced strength, stamina and durability and acts as the muscle of the group. Finally, N3 possesses enhanced speed, agility and coordination. The three versions can each think for themselves but Nemanja's consciousness seems to exist in all three of them allowing them to act in concert without communicating verbally. Although he could theoretically remain split for extended periods of time, Nemanja finds the experience confusing. As a result he only splits into his optimized versions for as long as he needs to. Using his newly acquired powers Nemanja managed to escape the secret facility. He then decided to put his powers to good use as Trio, the newest member of the Mighty Markmen's Ottawa division.


Over the past 6 months Guardian and Hotwire, two key members of the Mighty Markmen have relocated to Ottawa, ON. They were tasked with the important mission of creating a new eastern Canada arm of the Mighty Markmen to complement the original Vancouver-based team. Expanding the team should enhance the Markmen's ability to defend Canada and the world. In order to facilitate recruiting and coordinate operations, Guardian has been given a special position with the Canadian government. Along with Spartan, the only member of the original Mighty Markmen residing in Ottawa prior to the relocation, Guardian and Hotwire are currently in the process of building the new team. The first step in this process was revamping the appearance of the blog and declassifying the appearance of the Mighty Markmen. Hope you enjoy the pictures. There is considerable power in Ottawa and new recruits will be posted shortly.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Name: Jonathan T.
Codename: Olfactor
Classification: Hero
Location: San Francisco CA
Nationality: U.S. Citizen
Group Affiliation: Mighty Markmen - Special Guest Member
Age: 28
Height: 6'
Weight: 170lbs
Archetype: Tracker
Origin: Technology
Powers/Weapons: Although JT has never had any super-human powers, he has always dreamed of becoming a Mighty Markman. One day after posting a link on Facebook about Japanese pollen robots he realized he had found his way into the Mighty Markmen. He traveled to Tokyo and used the pollen-sensing technology to craft an olfactory-amplification helmet which would allow him to become the hero know as Olfactor. While wearing the helmet, JT's ability to detect and track scents is greatly increased, as is his brain's ability to differentiate and interpret different scents. At full power, the helmet can increase his olfactory range to almost 100 kilometers allowing him to track scents over great distances under optimal conditions. His ability to differentiate scents allows him to track scents even in densely scented urban environments. His sense of smell is so acute that he can even 'smell' emotions allowing him to read people's emotional states and also detect when people are lying based on subtle changes in their scent. Olfactor can also make use of lingering scents to recreate the series of events that unfolded at a particular location hours and even days after the people in question have left the scene.

[Check out the Japanese pollen robots at:]

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Name: Caspar M.
Codename: Gremlin
Classification: Villain
Location: Vancouver, BC
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation:
1) Vancouver Villain Society
Age: 27
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 155lbs
Archetype: Blaster
Origin: Magic
Powers: Caspar was always a mischievous child but things started really getting out of hand once he hit his late teens. Simple acts of vandalism turned into serious acts of arson and even murder. It was as if he had become a different person. And as his physical appearance began to change, it was obvious that he had. Caspar had unwittingly become the earthly host for the trouble-making goblin J'kaskinir who had been imprisoned in another dimension by a powerful sorcerer Although the goblin feared it might be difficult to control his new human host, he soon realized that Caspar actually enjoyed his mischievous ways and the two entities developed a so.mewhat symbiotic relationship. J'kaskinir used Caspar's body to wreck mindless havoc on earth and Caspar used the goblin's power to become the villain known as Gremlin. Gremlin's powers arise from J'kaskinir's goblin fire-magic. He is able to breathe fire, throw fire balls and cause objects to burst into flame. He is highly resistant to heat and has enhanced agility and healing ability.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Name: Chris G.
Codename: Titan
Classification: Mercenary
Location: Vancouver, BC
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation:
1) NorthVan Knights - Active
2) Mighty Markmen - Reserve
Age: 37
Height: 5'11'', 6'3'' (suited)
Weight: 200lbs, 350lbs (suited)
Archetype: Tanker
Origin: Technology
Powers/Devices: Like his partner Rift, Titan possesses no super-powers but has been specially selected by a mysterious benefactor to wield a device of great power. It is believed that Titan was chosen for the device, a kinetic energy absorbing power-suit, because his gentle and conscientious nature would not be corrupted by the destructive potential of the suit. The power-suit is made from a titanium-rubber alloy that greatly increases the wearer's strength and resistance to damage. But more importantly, the suit also absorbs kinetic energy. Specifically, it absorbs, stores and releases the kinetic energy from any physical attack directed upon it. The kinetic energy is released mainly from the suit's gloves or boots in the form of explosive punches or kicks. Titan can also use the kinetic energy stored in the boots to leap great distances as a mode of transportation. Unlike Rift however, Titan constantly finds himself in an ethical struggle over the unclear motives of his mysterious benefactor.