Name: Zane M.
Codename: Diamondback
Classification: Mercenary
Location: Seattle, WA
Nationality: American
Group Affiliation:
1) HeroHire.com - Active, CEO
2) Seattle Super-soldiers - Active
3) Mighty Markmen - Associate
Age: 33
Height: 5’9’’
Weight: 165 lbs
Archetype: Scrapper
Origin: Mutation
Powers: Zane is a mutant with the ability to secrete a substance through his skin that crystallizes into diamond-sharp scales upon contact with the air. He can coat all or parts of his body in scales giving him a silvery reptilian appearance. The scales are sharp enough to slice into most substances and cut most opponents. They also provide some defense against physical and energy attacks. However, the scales are paper-thin and will shatter if hit hard enough at an oblique angle. Diamondback is also able to fling the scales from his body as deadly projectiles. The scales contain a neuro-toxin that causes confusion and muscular weakness if it penetrates an opponent’s skin. The neuro-toxic effects increase in severity with increasing doses from multiple scales potentially resulting in temporary coma and paralysis if the dose is high enough. Although Diamondback often fights alongside the Mighty Markmen and the Seattle Super-Soldiers, he has also been known to engage in shadier operations in the name of profit with his start-up company HeroHire.com, resulting in his classification as a mercenary.