Name: Gary G.
Codename: Rift
Classification: Mercenary
Location: Vancouver, BC
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation:
1) NorthVan Knights - Active
2) Mighty Markmen - Reserve
Age: 40
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 180lbs
Archetype: Transporter
Origin: Technology
Powers/Devices: Although Rift has no super powers himself, he employs a powerful teleportation harness that has been given to him by a mysterious benefactor. A pilot and technophile, Gary was hand-picked by his benefactor to wear the harness. By activating the harness, Rift is able to tear open a small hole in the fabric of space and time and create a wormhole through which he can teleport to almost any location in space. Although he could theoretically teleport anywhere, he is limited by his limited knowledge of the universe. For instance, he can only teleport to locations in which he is certain he can withstand the environment. Rift also employs a special navigation system housed in his goggles to help guide him through the wormholes and ensure he ends up at the correct destination. Rift is able to create wormholes large enough to transport several people and considerable mass. Operating the harness and navigation system takes considerable skill and training. As such, Rift is the only person who is able to use it. The benefactor tolerates Rift's involvement in the Mighty Markmen but has also been known to have Rift operating on the other side of the law.