Codename: Mastermind
Classification: Arch-Villain
Location: Vancouver, BC
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation / Status:
1) Vancouver Villain Society / Active
Age: 26
Height: 5’4’’
Weight: 130 lbs
Archetype: Controller
Origin: Technology
Powers: After being teased and bullied as a child, Emit always dreamed of being popular. As a teenager he decided to leave his childhood behind and started clawing his way up the social ladder until he eventually became a prominent Vancouver socialite and MySpace icon. Although he enjoyed immense popularity, it just never seemed to be enough. Desperate for more fame and power, he embarked on a series of bizarre cloning and mind-control experiments in the hopes of discovering new diabolical means for attaining ultimate celebrity status. But each new discovery only fueled a greater desire for popularity ultimately driving him insane. His most powerful evil inventions to date are a mind-control device that he recklessly implanted directly onto his brain and a human cloning device. He has used the cloning device to create an army of brain-less hot-o’s that he lovingly refers to as his ‘Sweenies’. The mind-control device amplifies his brain waves allowing him to control their every action in an endless pursuit of power.