Codename: Mastermind
Classification: Arch-Villain
Location: Vancouver, BC
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation / Status:
1) Vancouver Villain Society / Active
Age: 26
Height: 5’4’’
Weight: 130 lbs
Archetype: Controller
Origin: Technology
Powers: After being teased and bullied as a child, Emit always dreamed of being popular. As a teenager he decided to leave his childhood behind and started clawing his way up the social ladder until he eventually became a prominent Vancouver socialite and MySpace icon. Although he enjoyed immense popularity, it just never seemed to be enough. Desperate for more fame and power, he embarked on a series of bizarre cloning and mind-control experiments in the hopes of discovering new diabolical means for attaining ultimate celebrity status. But each new discovery only fueled a greater desire for popularity ultimately driving him insane. His most powerful evil inventions to date are a mind-control device that he recklessly implanted directly onto his brain and a human cloning device. He has used the cloning device to create an army of brain-less hot-o’s that he lovingly refers to as his ‘Sweenies’. The mind-control device amplifies his brain waves allowing him to control their every action in an endless pursuit of power.
Ha! I love seeing our first nemesis! I have a feeling I know who some of the other evil doers in my neighborhood are...namely that coniving S. Robinson, who spends his days marketing 'care facilities' to the elderly. I think he's actually rounding up masses of aged baby boomers and swindling them of their cash and belongings for some nefarious purpose!
Please investigate!
hmmm...I've also always suspected an ulterior motive in Stuart's shady business interests...the Markmen will get on it!
wow~~first enemy~
look so evil~~hehe
Very cool idea!
Can I be a villain in this group?:)
Please give me some time-travel ability as special weapon.
Cheers from Hungary, cool blog, keep up the good work!
PS: if you wanna ad recent comments widgest to your site check this here:
This is the most accurate picture and description of Emit that I have ever seen. You truly are an artist Mark!
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