Sunday, November 26, 2006


Name: Lucas M.
Codename: Blackjack
Classification: Hero
Location: Vancouver, BC
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation /Status:
1) Mighty Markmen / Active
Age: 31
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 165lbs
Archetype: Scrapper
Origin: Natural
Powers/Abilities: Blackjack appears to be able to alter probability fields in his favour giving himself incredibly good luck or his enemies incredibly bad luck as the case may be. His ability to tip probabilities in his favour grants him what appears to be superhuman agility. He is able to dodge most attacks and strike with incredible accuracy making him a formidable hand-to-hand combatant. He has near perfect aim when throwing projectiles or shooting weapons. He is also able to 'guess' security codes and passwords with relative ease. His ability to affect probabilities is usually limited to a tight radius around him but when he finds himself in more dire situations, his range can increase dramatically allowing him to escape almost any life-threatening situation. Blackjack has no control over specifically how probabilities will turn in his favour. As a result, his good fortune can sometimes mean bad luck for others around him, including his teamates. The origin of Blackjack's powers is not totally clear. His powers were originally presumed to arise from mutation but it has since been determined that he does not carry the X-gene. It would appear that he is just naturally incredibly lucky!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Name: Morris C.
Codename: Dreamscape
Classification: Hero
Vancouver, BC
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation /Status:
1) Mighty Markmen / Active
2) Eastsiders / Active, Co-Leader
Age: 36
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 165lbs
Archetype: Controller
Origin: Mutation
Powers: Dreamscape is a mutant with the ability to project vivid sensory illusions. The illusions are predominantly 3-dimensional visual phenonmena but can also have auditory, olfactory and tactile components. Dreamscape can use these illusions to disguise or conceal himself or his teamates. He can also use them to confuse or terrify his opponents. His illusions are particularly captivating because he is able to tap into people's psyches to create illusions ranging from their darkest fears to their heart's desires. Such illusions can be so intense that opponents become trapped in a dream-like state unaware of the world around them. Dreamscape can also tap into the collective consciouness of multiple people in order to confuse even large crowds. His illusions become less convincing as the number of people in the group increase. Maintaining complex intense illusions takes a great deal of concentration at times leaving Dreamscape vulnerable to attack
