Saturday, September 30, 2006


Name: Mark Lysyshyn
Codename: Guardian
Classification: Hero
Vancouver, BC
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation / Status:
1) Mighty Markmen / Active, Team Leader
Age: 33
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 185lbs
Archetype: Defender
Origin: Mutation
Powers: Guardian is a mutant with the ability to project powerful force fields. He is able to generate nearly impenetrable spherical force fields. His maximum field radius is quite large and he is not limited to spherical field shapes but as the field radius increases, the field shape becomes more complicated or the field is projected around an object or person other than himself, the field becomes considerably weaker. Guardian is also capable of force projection. He can generate beams of concussive force or produce radial explosions of concussive force from his body. He can also use his force projection abilities to generate flight.

Introducing the Mighty Markmen...

Ok, so here is the deal. For most of my life I've been obsessed with superheroes. I'm not a kid but I still read comic books (X-men stuff mainly) and play City of Heroes. I also daydream about superheroes. Like, what if me and my friends were superheroes? I give us powers, codenames and costumes and think up cool missions that we'd all do together. Everybody does this kind of stuff right?

Occasionally I'll even tell my friends about the superhero I've designed for them. One of my friends suggested I collect them all by posting them on a blog. Seemed like a good idea.

Unfortunately, I'm not an artist so I'll mostly be using the City of Heroes character engine to create visual representations of my heroes.

Now that you know what's going on here let me introduce you to...the Mighty Markmen!