Name: Laurie L.
Codename: Arclight
Classification: Villain
Location: Vancouver BC
Group Affiliation:
1) Artemus Agents - Active
2) Mighty Markmen - Former Associate
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Stalker
Powers: A long-time graphic designer and event promoter for the superhero community in Vancouver, Laurie eventually grew tired of serving the heroes who he regarded as impossible-to-please, self-obsessed primadonas. Convinced he could give the heroes a real run for their money, he put his creative abilities to work, designed himself a light-bending power suit and became the villain known as Arclight. Arclight's suit bends light around the wearer allowing him and anything he is holding to become invisible at will. The suit bends light along the entire electromagnetic spectrum making the wearer undetectable to modalities such as radar and infrared scanning. The suit also dampens sound allowing the wearer to move in total silence. Arclight weilds a number of hand-held weapons with deadly accuracy, taking full advantage of the element of surprise. Arclight is also an accomplished acrobat and skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Arclight recently lured the former Markman Baffle over to the dark side and the two of them are now operating on the other side of the law as the Artemus Agents.