Name: Rob G.
Codename: Epic
Classification: Hero
Location: Thunder Bay, ON
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation:
1) Mighty Markmen - On sabbatical (scheduled to return summer 2007)
Age: 37
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 175lbs
Archetype: Controller
Origin: Magic
Powers: Rob, an english professor and poet, never regarded himself as much of a hero. That all changed when he discovered a mysterious book written in a forgotten language hidden under a pile of papers on his desk. Although Rob didn't recognize the language, he was surprised to find that he could easily read the text. The book, which was entitled "The Book of Summons" was a collection of 33 poems, each telling the tale of a different mythical beast. By reading each of the poems aloud Rob discovered that he was able to magically summon and control the beast described in the poem. Some of the beasts pictured with Epic above include: Myri'od, a crystal creature that breaks into an army of smaller crystal warriors each time it is shattered, Tavyphth, a ruthless living plant made up of razor-sharp vines, J'rak and Kr'noc, a pair of stone sentinels and Gnorrong, a very strong but docile walrus-like creature. Epic's ability to control the summoned beasts varies with the temperment of the beasts. He able to summon multiple beasts by reading several poems but generally finds it too difficult to control more than one beast at a time. He has also learned with devastating consequences that many of the beasts do not get along with each other. Epic has on occasion been able to recall a poem in its entirety and summon a beast without the book but finds this difficult because the poems are long and must be recited without error in order to summon a beast successfully. If Epic is knocked unconscious or disoriented for a significant period of time, any summoned beasts will simply vanish suggesting they are actually figments of Epic's imagination.
He he. Seems perfect. Especially the part about my beastly friends who don't always get along and are probably figments of my imagination. But the pressing question is why do I wear my pants that way? People are going to beat me up. Thank the gods I have the Mighty Markmen to protect me.
WOW, detailed.
are you trying to say that in reality you wear cool pants, ernie? he he. the pants only look weird because of the pose. i promise epic is stylin'
Someday I'll be styling. Maybe I'll find a book for that. Or maybe I'll take a page out of your book. I'm very tired and that was very sad. And I'll pretend you did not make any ernie references.
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