Name: Pete M.
Codename: Limelight
Classification: Hero
Location: Vancouver, BC
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation:
1) Mighty Markmen - Active
Age: 27
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 165 lbs
Archetype: Defender
Origin: Mutant
Powers: Limelight emits a radiant aura capable of altering or heightening the emotions of those exposed to it. Limelight can use this empathic aura to induce any emotion. For example, he can incite fear in his enemies, induce calm in panicked civilians or boost the morale of his teamates. He can easily help resolve disputes and diffuse tense situations. By causing people to fall madly in love with him he can get them to do whatever he wants. Limelight's aura also gives him a heightened ability to read other people's emotions; an ability he sometimes finds overwhelming. Limelight can vary the intensity and radius of his aura but he finds it difficult to turn off completely. As people move out of range, they slowly return to their original emotional state. Limelight's aura tends to induce the same emotion in everyone around him, thus in combat he wears a specially designed containment suit that allows him to target his aura more effectively. A budding actor/waiter/model/stud, Limelight has always been concerned about his public image. To this end, Limelight used to conceal the true origin of his powers, maintaining that they arose from his 'power-suit'. More recently however, he has come to terms with his mutant origin and the Mighty Markmen are all really proud of him!
Look at those calves bulging through that power-suit!
is 'anonymous' really in love with limelight's calves or is that what limelight wants him to feel!
and emmet, the next markman is already in development and it is a villain (as i tried to express to you in my facebook status line a few days ago).
I was transfixed. I blacked out. The last thing I remember was a bulging calf muscle.
Emmet this is not your page to sulk on. Seek encouragement from The Gaurdian else where. I hate you. I love you.
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