Name: Geoff W.
Codename: Darkwater
Classification: Mercenary
Location: Vancouver, BC
Nationality: Canadian
Group Affiliation:
1) Mighty Markmen - Active
2) Captain Snowbeard's Crew - On shore leave
Age: 26
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 185lbs
Archetype: Scrapper
Origin: Natural
Powers/Abilities: Geoff began living the pirate life at a young age when his family's boat capsized off Vancouver island and he was rescued by the infamous Canadian pirate, Captain Snowbeard and his crew. Although Darkwater has no super-human powers per se, he is known throughout the world as a master-thief. It is said that he can steal anything from anybody. He clever, stealthy and resourceful. A master of disguise, he is able to convincingly alter both his appearance and voice. He can also be so charming that men and women alike find it difficult not to give him what he wants. He carries a skeleton key, possibly of magical origin, that can open any lock. To help him to escape from sticky situations he carries a small bag of black blinding powder that he can toss in his opponent's eyes. Darkwater is in excellent physical shape and is skilled at both swordsplay and hand-to-hand combat. Darkwater also carries a collection of concealed daggers that he can throw with deadly accuracy. Almost as legendary as Darkwater's thieving skills are his drinking skills. On more than one occasion, Darkwater's overindulgence in the pirate juice has interfered with his heroic duties. Like most pirates Darkwater is always on the lookout for gold. For the moment he is sailing with the Markmen but you never know where tomorrow's tide will take him.
우루스 카지노 제휴 프로그램: 온라인 카지노의 새로운 기회
온라인 카지노의 세계가 점점 더 활성화됨에 따라 많은 사용자들이 다양한 플랫폼에서 즐길 수 있는 기회가 늘어나고 있습니다. 특히,
우루스 카지노 제휴 프로그램은 이러한 트렌드 속에서 주목받고 있는 프로그램 중 하나입니다. 많은 사람들은 온라인 카지노 이용 시
안전성과 신뢰성...
1 week ago
This new Darkwater hero is your best yet!
thanks anonymous! you're not the first person to say so. who knew that a superhero without any powers could so cool!
Who needs powers? I heard Darkwater packs a huge dagger!
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